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    Graduation!May 12, 2012
    I finally did it!


OK, I know this is not a funny thing to joke about, but I seriously think that I have ADD sometimes. I mean really, I have been home since 3 p.m. today and I have just (finally) finished my studying for finals. It always seems like the weeks that I have the most to do and the least amount of time,  I get the most distracted and uninspired. You would think that I would just push hard during this final week of classes so I can finish strong and relax over break. But no, instead I decide to pick up long lost projects such as: organizing my iPhoto collection so my events are more accessible (pressing!), updating my filing system (even more urgent!), online christmas shopping (as if I need to spend more of the non- existent money that I make at my internship), rediscovering my love for the Facebook game MyTown (Whaaaaat?!?!), and of course, posting to my blog.

Do I do any of this on a normal night during a non-finals week?

Not really. and not to this extent. I think I may need help!!

But since we are on the subject of distraction, the recent influx of [actually important] decisions that I need to make have been irritating me. See, there are a lot of things that I have the opportunity to do (and WANT to do), but I can only afford to do one or two of them. I cannot decide. I wish I was like Amber and could make relevant pros vs. cons sheets. But I cannot. So…. here are my opportunities:

1.) Run for a PRSSA National Committee position and travel (almost) free of charge to Seattle in March.

  • Pros: Get to travel to Seattle and only have to pay for airfare, have the opportunity to be elected to a BOSS position, have lots of power in PRSSA and get to make important decisions, get a job anywhere after graduation because I had an extremely important position with an important organization, gain national recognition.
  • Cons: Leave on the night of my 21st birthday (NOT fair.), have to give a speech in front of hundreds of people, have to room with strangers (eek!), may not get the position (and if I do: have a lot of extra work, may not be able to have more internships b/c of a lack of time, possibly loose my social life).

2.) Travel to London, England for Spring Interim to take a 4 credit class

  • Pros: I get to go to London (!), I get 4 upper level credits, I get to take photos and be graded for it, its the perfect amount of time, Amber is going (huge plus!), I could speak in a british accent and no one would complain, I could buy some insanely good tea and crumpets, some of Kate Middleton could rub off on me.
  • Cons: Its about $2,000, which could be covered by loans (but do I want more loans??), it is only 1.5 weeks in London, there is a long process and lots of things to go through before you leave, I have to find a manual camera (whatever that is) and I don’t know a lot of the details.

3.) Go on a spring break trip

  • Pros: I could actually go on a spring break trip with my friends (this is always a possibility and never a reality), I would have a ton of fun, I could go somewhere warm, it probably wouldn’t be that expensive if we were smart about it
  • Cons: I will not be 21, my friends are a disorganized mess and planning will be a complicated task (sorry guys, I am part of it), it is at the same time as PRSSA National Assembly so I will have to choose one or the other and it could be expensive.

4.) Apply for a summer internship in Chicago

  • Pros: I already have companies picked out (yes!), I could experience living in Chicago, I would be working for an awesome company and, therefore, gaining very valuable experience for my resume, I could network with some insane people, it would be really fun.
  • Cons: I have to find a place to line (… in Chicago.), I may not get paid, its far away from my family and friends, I will miss out on spending a lot of time at the cottage, I will miss out on a lot of things that my friends are doing, I may not make any money to pay for school.


So…….. yeah. What the heck do I do? Ugh, finals week. Look at what it does to me!

P.S. Spanish 312 final, please be kind to me tomorrow morning.